Rob Ezerman– Emeritus Member, Ike Group Founder. Rob’s contributions to the promotion of the Eisenhower dollar series starts with his founding of the Ike Group and relentless pursuit of a working understanding of the production of the last of the large cartwheels. Ezerman long served as the Group’s lead author and main photo contributor. He is a Vietnam war veteran, former physician, and truck driver. More than anything, however, Ezerman brought together a group of dedicated Eisenhower dollar specialists and worked with the numismatic hobby’s leading experts to promote Eisenhower dollar DIVAs. Ezerman became an Emeritus member of the Ike Group in January 2014.
Herbert P. Hicks– Emeritus Member. Herb’s entire career in numismatics spans the better part of the last sixty years. One of the true geniuses in the field, Hicks’ specialization spans across multiple series, including Washington quarters and Eisenhower dollars to name just two. Hicks’ work has been published in The Numismatist and is often cited by leading figures in the industry, including Walter Breen and Q. David Bowers. Hicks was a one time contributor to the Red Book.